「三」同時是最穩定也是最不穩定的結構。運用三個「稜」和三個 「面」組成最不穩定的關係,讓器型與火焰對話,從靜態到動態,進 而達到一種動態的穩定。火的流動呈現在「面」的轉折,處處都有火 的細微變化;「稜」的阻擋似乎不留火的蹤跡,實則展現了土火藝術 的極致。
“Three” is the most stable and unstable structure at the same time. Using three “edges” and three “faces” make a most unstable relationship in the composition; it makes a ‑flame-like dialogue between object and type, from static to dynamic, thus achieving a kind of dynamic stability. The fire-flow appears in the “face” – a turning point; everywhere shows the fire, subtle changes. The “edges” as barrier s appear to leave no traces of fire, demonstrating the art of extreme heat on clay.
“The Triple-Ridged Pot” series is in the midst of a dialogue with the fire in the kiln, setting out a new direction for “Mother Glaze”.

黃金之秋 Golden Autumn
陶瓷-柴燒 Ceramics Wood-fired 1551℃
印尼原礦土 Indonesian kaolin

流動 Flowing
陶瓷-柴燒 Ceramics Wood-fired 1420℃
印尼原礦土 Indonesian kaolin

動煉 Thoughts of Refinement
陶瓷-柴燒 Ceramics Wood-fired 1390℃
印尼原礦土、紅土 Indonesian kaolin, Red clay